Jonas Victor Swenson Family Photos

Thursday, September 1, 2011

26. September 12, 1881

Jonas Victor repays the loan he received.  He mentions Gustaf.  If I am correct, that is a brother who came to visit for about a year and then returned to Spakarp to stay.   Picture above was taken at Spakarp in 1939  

Jonas Victor Swenson
Randolph, KS  September 12 1881

I wish you everything good!  Thanks, dear Brother for the letter I got with the bill for the time the money was with you.  Have you not any outlay for interest?  Thanks to you for your help.  I sent an authorization 14 days ago to the Norwegian counsellor in Chicago and from there to you.

My health is not so well.  I have been sick, but now I am better.  I will try to write, but I have to rest now and then.  I, the maid and Gustaf are at home; the others are on the other land and work with broom corn.  Ten persons are there.

I will tell you something about the weather.  The last winter was the coldest anybody can remember.  Cold prolonged northerly wind until the spring.  Then it was so hot that we got summer at once.  May and half of June were so rainy, so nothing grew.  After that we got hot and dry weather.  During two months, we got only a little rain, so the harvest of grain will be small. The drought and the warm southerly wind blew until yesterday, when we got a little soaker.  It was good for the pasturage.  The harvest last year was the biggest I have ever had.  This year the harvest is the worst since we came to America.  No potatoes, no vegetables, but the oats has been good.

Ander and Kari, Hultet, are here.  They live with Anders and  Kari.  They have better health now than before.  I will now finish with our lovely greetings to you, brother and sister-in-law and children.  Hearty regards to Mother and Father, too.

Yours Sincerely,

Brother Jonas Victor

I would enjoy knowing how the harvest has been there this year--if it grows good in the bog.

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